Bristol Hospital Trusts call for innovative solutions from suppliers to support their drive to zero waste

Phil Smith
Managing Director | Business West
2nd February 2022

Two of Bristol’s Hospital Trusts* are leading a group of NHS Trusts across the country in mobilising innovative suppliers to support their aim of fundamentally changing their approach to waste management.

Being able to meet demanding new NHS guidelines will require new waste management services and a circular approach to waste.

The Bristol Hospitals are using the conclusion of their current waste contracts in March 2023 to undertake a “Towards Zero Waste” procurement. It will start in April with a market sounding exercise to explain the need and learn from both existing and potential new suppliers on what is possible. Based on this there will be a tender call in the autumn of 2022 for the new contract. 

This is a great opportunity for the region’s businesses, big and small, to inform the tender and then bid to become suppliers to a progressive contract that is leading the way for the NHS on waste management. 

Access further information on the market sounding arrangements, the prior information notice and contact points or contact Joaquim (Joe) Duarte, UHBW Senior Sustainable Waste Manager, UHBW

*University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust

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