Business West responds to the business impact of the Coronavirus outbreak

Phil Smith
Managing Director | Business West
27th February 2020


As the Coronavirus outbreak (named Covid-19) continues to dominate the headlines, I wanted to ensure we communicated to you the relevant links to the up-to-date position on the virus and where and how you can source further information. We are in touch with public authorities who are closely monitoring the emerging global situation and preparation for escalation.

Although we are hopeful that the situation will resolve, we are taking this opportunity to ensure local businesses and partners are informed and able to be prepared and take the necessary precautions should things change.

If you are an exporter worried about the potential implications for export documenation then rest assured, we are taking steps to provide continuity to all of our processes in order to minimise disruption to our customers. Further information and advice can be found here: Export Documentation Coronavirus Notice    

Please see below the links to the most up to date general information and guidance:



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